Who are we?

Kids For Now launched in October 2022 as a parent-led grassroots movement delaying smartphones and social media. We formed in response to the complete lack of public discourse at the time regarding the critical role parents need to play in protecting kids from tech harms. Regulation is a distraction. How many parents care about End User Licence Agreements? It doesn't work. On the other hand, educating children how to use tech responsibly puts too much expectation of responsibility on them when the risks are too high.

Kids For Now was founded to connect parents locally wishing to delay smartphones, enabling them to collectively overcome the social pressure for their kids to be online.

We are proud to be associated with the birth of the Smartphone Free Childhood movement launched by Clare Fernyhough and Daisy Greenwell.

We are a grassroots movement based in the UK. We are entirely voluntary, non-profit, independent and not affiliated with or funded by any other organisations, political groups or businesses.

Founder, Sam Rice, is a father of 2 from Scotland who believes that children are healthiest and happiest when they learn and develop through real-world social interactions, physical play and natural environments. He believes that, on balance, technology is doing more harm than good to a generation of children and that, while regulation and digital literacy are part of the solution, they do not go far enough. Children need help and guidance and example from parents and schools to reduce and control the role of digital technology in their lives. So far, internet safety organisations, the government and schools have failed to promote the role of delaying smartphones and social media with devastating consequences for the mental health of a generation of young people.

We can’t wait for corporations or government to act. It’s time for parents to take back control.

Get involved!

Designers, campaigners, IT people, marketing and social media experts: Can you help us grow? If you have a vision and think we could do better then join us and be the change you want to see. Email us and be part of the team.

Kids For Now is simply the idea of protecting childhood from the negative impact of social media and smartphones. Talk to other parents, talk with your school, write to politicians and relevant organisations. Explain your position, your concerns and your desire for change. How about hosting a community event? Or representing us at a conference?

Contact us at info@kidsfornow.org.uk.